Greater Spokane Action & Greater Spokane Progress

2024 State Legislative Agenda

Greater Spokane Action (GSA), along with Greater Spokane Progress (GSP), our affiliated 501(c)(3) organization, leads the annual process to develop our network’s state legislative agenda. Our legislative agenda is a reflection of the diversity of our network and their priorities.

Our goals include:

  1. Police accountability
  2. Smart justice
  3. Housing justice
  4. Rights for immigrants and refugees
  5. Civil rights and equity (including health & wealth equity)
  6. Climate justice
  7. Expanding and Protecting Democracy

This agenda is not a comprehensive list of all of the bills that Greater Spokane Progress (GSP) members are working on. It is based on our organizations’ goals, policies and campaigns that use a racial equity lens, have support from GSA and GSP Board of Directors, and/or broad agreement amongst our members. More details at the bottom of this page.

GSA and GSP’s Tier 1 priorities are:

GSA staff are actively supporting and engaging the GSP network to help pass these Tier 1 bills.

Police Accountability

Supporting legislative priorities of the Washington Coalition for Police Accountability that centers families and communities impacted by police violence. WCPA priorities for 2024 include:

Smart Justice

Housing Justice

Rights for Immigrants and Refugees

Civil Rights and Equity (including Health & Wealth Equity)

Climate Justice

Expanding and Protecting Democracy

  • Supporting Washington for Equitable Representation (GSP is a member), a statewide multi-racial coalition fighting to achieve equitable representation through proportional ranked choice voting (RCV) and other democracy reforms. WER 2024 Priorities include: 
  • Supporting the Washington Voting Justice Coalition (GSP is a member), a group of community organizations and individuals dedicated to voting rights and access in Washington State, that believe that the vote is our tool, as ordinary people, to have a voice in our government. WVJC 2024 priorities include:
    • Free the Vote (HB 2030): redefines a single vague term in our state Constitution to make sure that every citizen in Washington can vote, even while incarcerated.
    • Ballot Signature Curving (HB 5890): creates a standardized process for voters to be notified about and correct their ballot errors, in order to address rejected ballots disproportionately affecting people of color and young voters.
    • Even Year Elections (HB 1882/SB 5723): Gives cities and towns the freedom to switch their general elections to even-numbered years.

Many of the bills on our agenda above are included on the legislative agendas of the following organizations (not limited to): 

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